All the news bulletins published to the website (Newest first):
26.03.2025: |
At the Annual General Meeting on March 25th, Shona Holmes was nominated for the committee as an ordinary member and was accepted by a majority of those present. Welcome aboard, Shona! Shona has special responsibility for the demonstration team.
08.03.2025: |
After the successful beginners' evening on Feb 25th, one of the first-timers, Stephan Stirnimann, wrote an article for the newsletter of the British Shop. It's a nice article – apart from getting my surname as 'Harper' (his editor's fault, apparently). He took a photo of the 4 teachers, but then forgot to get their permission to publish it, so the accompanying photo is a stock picture of some highland dancers.
You can read the article here: https://blog.the-british-shop.ch/page/view/2025/03/scottish-dance-mit-dem-kilt-ueber-die-tanzflaeche-schweben
Note that the club's AGM will take place on March 25th from 19:30. All are welcome, but only fully paid up members are entitled to vote. After the meeting we will do such dances as time allows.
Please contact the secretary if you do not plan to attend.
26.02.2025: |
The beginners' evening on Feb 26th was a decided success. With the regulars we had 36 dancers – a record! Thanks to the members who came along to help the new people. I hope that many of the new people will continue and eventually join the club.
Note that the club's AGM will take place on March 25th from 19:30. Please contact the secretary if you do not plan to attend. After the meeting we will do such dances as time allows.
10.01.2025: |
We have now resumed dancing after the Christmas break. Details of the meetings for the first half of 2025 are to be found on the Meetings page.
We will be having a beginners' evening on February 25th. If you know of anyone who might be interested in trying Scottish Dancing, invite them, and let Chris know if they accept.
Note that the club's AGM will be on March 25th
08.01.2025: |
We have now resumed dancing after the Christmas break. Details of the meetings for the first half of 2025 are now to be found on the Meetings page.
Note that the club's AGM will be on March 25th
11.12.2024: |
The Zurich SCD Club is now having a break for Christmas. We will resume dancing on January 7th, 2025.
Details of the meetings for the first half of 2025 are now to be found on the Meetings page.
Note that the club's AGM will be on March 25th
05.12.2024: |
Tuesday, December 10th will be the last dancing before the Christmas break. Dancing starts at 19:30.
There will be the usual Gluhwein (supplied by the club) and nibbles (contributed by you, the members).
We will resume dancing on January 7th, 2025.
11.10.2024: |
See the meetings page for details of dancing evenings until the end of 2024.
12.6.2024: |
The last meeting of the season will be on June 25th, and as usual, we will do a few dances then enjoy some drinks (provided by the club) and nibbles (provided by the members).
After that we will be having our Summer break, during which Stephen and Glenys will be holding their traditional garden party (see Stephen's email). Dancing will resume on September 3rd.
27.03.2024: |
The Annual General Meeting of the club took place on Tuesday, 5th March. Matters were quickly dispensed with, the meeting was over in 30 minutes. After the meeting we were able to get through a full programme of dances.
07.02.2024: |
The beginners' evening on February 6th went very well; we had 6 beginners, and a total of nearly 4 4-couple sets. So thank you to all the regular members who came along to support the newcomers! I hope that many of the new people will stay for the regular Tuesday meetings!
Don't forget that we'll be holding our Annual General Meeting on the 5th of March. We hope that as many members as possible will be able to attend.
31.01.2024: |
Just a reminder that we'll be having a beginners' evening on the 6th of February. If you know of anyone who might like to try Scottish Dancing, bring them along (let us know in advance, so we have a rough idea about numbers). And for the rest of the members, please come along to support the newcomers!
Start at 19.30
Don't forget that we'll be holding our Annual General Meeting on the 5th of March. We hope that as many members as possible will be able to attend.
12.01.2024: |
We'll be having a beginners' evening on the 6th of February. If you know of anyone who might like to try Scottish Dancing, bring them along (let us know in advance, so we have a rough idea about numbers). And for the rest of the members, please come along to support the newcomers!
Don't forget that we'll be holding our Annual General Meeting on the 5th of March. We hope that as many members as possible will be able to attend.
01.09.2024: |
We will be holding our Annual General Meeting on the 5th of March. We hope that as many members as possible will be able to attend.
13.12.2023: |
Our dance weekend and St Andrew's Night Ball in the Hotel Kreuz in Jona on December 2nd-3rd was a complete success.
Click on the December 2023 tab on the left to see a list of the dances taught at the weekend, and links to the photographs that were taken by Natalia Kozorezova and Martina Mueller-Franz.
The club is having a break over the Christmas period. We will resume dancing refreshed and raring to go (and not at all hung over!) on January 9th.
07.12.2023: |
Our dance weekend and St Andrew's Night Ball in the Hotel Kreuz in Jona on December 2nd-3rd was a complete success.
Click on the December 2023 tab on the left to see a list of the dances taught at the weekend, and links to the photographs that were taken by Natalia Kozorezova and Martina Mueller-Franz.
Next week (December 12th) will be our last dancing before we break for Christmas. There will be glüwein (supplied by the club) and nibbles (provided by you, the members).
29.9.2023: |
If you haven't yet registered for the December course and St Andrew's Night Ball, I urge you to do so if you can. It will be a great weekend, with excellent teaching and super music. Click on 'December 2023' on the homepage to find out more and register.
24.8.2023: |
Dates and the teaching rota for the rest of this year can be found on the meetings page.
NOTE: There will be no dancing on September 26th, as there is a church function using the hall on that day.
And if you haven't yet registered for the December course and St Andrew's Night Ball, I urge you to do so if you can. It will be a great weekend, with excellent teaching and super music. Click on 'December 2023' on the homepage to find out more and register.
14.5.2023: |
Registration for our December dance weekend and ball is now online.
I urge all the members to attend if they possibly can. It will be a great weekend, with excellent teaching and super music. Click on 'December 2023' on the homepage to find out more and register.
6.5.2023: |
On Tuesday, May 2nd we had a special treat! Tim Macdonald, US Scottish fiddle champion, was in Zurich and played for our dancing!
A big thank-you to Tim for his playing! I'm sure everyone who attended enjoyed the music, and really appreciated having live music for a change.
You can read all about Tim here: https://tsmacdonald.com/bio/
26.4.2023: |
On Tuesday, May 2nd we are in for a special treat! Tim Macdonald, US Scottish fiddle champion will be in Zurich and will be playing for our dancing!
I would urge everyone who is around to come along, if only to hear Tim playing. Let's have a great turnout for him!
You can read all about Tim here: https://tsmacdonald.com/bio/
30.3.2023: |
At the AGM on the 28th March Irene offcially resigned as secretary, and was presented with a silver brooch and a bouquet of flowers as a token of appreciation for all she has done for the club over many years.
Joanna had taken over as acting secretary for the past few months, and was confirmed as secretary at the AGM by unanimous vote, there being no other nominees.
It was also decided to raise the membership fees to 180.- (90.- for students and teachers) from the start of 2024. Temporary members will pay 10.- per evening, effective from the start of the new season in September 2023.
This was made necessary by the decision of the Church to increase the hall rental by over 18%.
(This is a correction to the original text which implied that temporary fees would also be effective from January next year).
1.2.2023: |
The 31st of January was an evening of simple dances for beginners. We had a really good turnout, with quite a few new people. The evening went well, and I hope to see the 'first timers' continuing to dance Scottish!
- Chris
14.1.2023: |
The 31st of January will be a "beginners' Night". We'll do simple dances, and we'll need the support of the regular members to help guide and support any newcomers. Tell all your friends, co-workers, fellow hobbyists etc. about it, and encourage them to come along.
It would be very helpful to know in advance how many we are likely to attract, so please contact me with the names of new people.
Hopefully this will encourage more people to take up dancing Scottish!
- Chris
6.1.2023: |
Dancing will resume on the 10th of January 2023.
Dates of the meetings up to the end of June are now on the meetings page, but without teachers for now.
30.12.2022: |
We are currently having our Christmas break.
We will resume on the 3rd of January 2023.
31.08.2022: |
We hope you've all had a good Summer and are eager for the new dancing season to start! This will be on September 6th.
And all the dates and teachers for the Autumn season are now up on the Meetings page.
22.07.2022: |
We are now having our Summer break. We will be back dancing again on Tuesday, September 6th.
17.03.2022: |
At last Tuesday's AGM, William Seegers stepped down from his position as Vice President, due to pressure of work. William has proved a very capable VP, and we thank him for the work he has done in this position.
Stephen O'Neil agreed to stand for the position of VP, and as there were no other nominations, he was voted in unopposed. I have no doubt that he will prove to be a worthy successor to William, and we thank him for his willingness to accept the post.
Also decided at that AGM was that, on the evenings when the church have their Choral Evensong, we will meet at the usual time of 19.15, but not play any music until the service has finished. In other words, for the first 1/2 hour or so, we will just walk through the dances, so that when we come to dance them, a recap should suffice.
The next such evening will be on the 12th April. Let's see how it works out.
16.01.2022: |
Dates and teachers for the first half of the year are now up on the Meetings page.
On the Meetings page there's now a link to a list of the details of every dance evening for the past three years.
03.01.2022: |
A Happy New Year to everyone! Let's hope that 2022 is an improvement on 2021!
Dates and teachers for the first half of the year are now up on the Meetings page.
20.12.2021: |
We are currently having our Christmas break, and we will resume dancing — covid permitting — on the 4th January 2022.
We wish everyone a merry Christmas and a happy and healthy new year.
Here's a digital 'card' that Ruth, the church administrator, sent to us:
17.12.2021: |
Sad news:
As you will already have heard, Prue Brunner, one of the founder members of the club, and president from 1967-1987, died last Wednesday. Our thoughts and condolences go out to her family.
The memorial service will take place in St Andrew's Church at 2pm on the 16th December.
All are welcome, but covid restrictions must be adhered to.
25.11.2021: |
Sad news:
As you will already have heard, Prue Brunner, one of the founder members of the club, and president from 1967-1987, died last Wednesday. Our thoughts and condolences go out to her family.
The memorial service will take place in St Andrew's Church at 2pm on the 16th December.
All are welcome, but covid restrictions must be adhered to.
17.11.2021: |
Just a reminder of the Covid rules:
- Vaccination certificates are mandatory.
- On entering the community centre, the hand sanitiser is to be used.
- Masks are to be worn indoors at all times.
- The president will keep a copy of the register.
- Attendees who are not on the club membership list must give their address and telephone numbers.
- Windows are to be opened for at least part of the evening to allow for ventilation.
- All surfaces that have been touched must be cleaned wih the supplied cleaning materials after the evening is finished, and the cleaning log is to be filled in and signed.
- Chris Harris, President
14.11.2021: |
Even more good news:
We can dance on the 16th November after all.
Just a reminder of the Covid rules:
- Vaccination certificates are mandatory.
- On entering the community centre, the hand sanitiser is to be used.
- Masks are to be worn indoors at all times.
- The president will keep a copy of the register.
- Attendees who are not on the club membership list must give their address and telephone numbers.
- Windows are to be opened for at least part of the evening to allow for ventilation.
- All surfaces that have been touched must be cleaned wih the supplied cleaning materials after the evening is finished, and the cleaning log is to be filled in and signed.
- Chris Harris, President
18.10.2021: |
More good news:
We will be allowed to dance on the 9th November and the 7th December — with the proviso that we start at 20.00. Apparently the music on the 5th could be heard faintly during the service!
Dancing on the 16th November is still under discussion, but I have high hopes.
Just a reminder of the Covid rules:
- Vaccination certificates are mandatory.
- On entering the community centre, the hand sanitiser is to be used.
- Masks are to be worn indoors at all times.
- The president will keep a copy of the register.
- Attendees who are not on the club membership list must give their address and telephone numbers.
- Windows are to be opened for at least part of the evening to allow for ventilation.
- All surfaces that have been touched must be cleaned wih the supplied cleaning materials after the evening is finished, and the cleaning log is to be filled in and signed.
- Chris Harris, President
16.09.2021: |
Great news! We can dance in the St Andrew's Church community centre again!
Naturally the current situation requires that we adhere to certain rules:
- Vaccination certificates are mandatory.
- Masks are to be worn indoors at all times.
- The president will keep a copy of the register.
- Attendees who are not on the club membership list must give their address and telephone numbers.
- Windows are to be opened for at least part of the evening to allow for ventilation.
- All surfaces that have been touched must be cleaned wih the supplied cleaning materials after the evening is finished.
During the month of September there will be no 'dance of the month'. After that I plan to introduce this again. As soon as we have decided which evenings we will be dancing and who will be teaching, I'll publish this information on the 'meetings' page.
- Chris Harris, President
24.07.2021: |
We have received news from the St Andrew's Church, and for us it's not good; although the Community Centre is open for use from the end of August, this does not apply to dancing. So we just have to try to be patient a bit longer.
In the mean time, the monthly Zoom meetings have been a good way of keeping members in touch with each other. The next one will be on Tuesday, August 3rd. Chris will send out the link a few days in advance, and a reminder the day before.
On the 19th of July we arranged to do some dancing outdoors. The venue we chose, the Sportplatz Sihlhölzli, proved to be less than ideal, as aparently no music is allowed there, but we still managed to get through 6 dances, in spite of lack of practice for the last 15 months! We plan to meet next Wednesday (28th July) at 18.30 at the Musikpavillon in the centre of Bükliplatz. If that is successful we'll continue to meet there each week, but on which day we will decide by Doodle.
- Chris Harris, President
08.03.2021: |
At the AGM on March 2nd the majority of the members present voted not to hold a November event this year. This means that the last time we were able to hold a dance weekend in the Hotel Geroldswil in November 2019 would be the last time ever, as the hotel will close its doors for good at the end of 2021.
Whether we will hold a dance weekend in future depends on a number of factors, chief among them being the need to find a suitable venue for these events. If any members have any suggestions for this, we will be happy to consider them.
It has also been suggested that, as soon as the weather gets a bit warmer, we could meet to dance outside somewhere, provided that we observe certain precautions. One suggestion was the China Garden on the Zürihorn. We will look into this further in another month or so.
One other suggestion was to meet via Zoom every month or so, just to stay in contact with the other members of the club. I would suggest the first Tuesday in the month, so the next such meeting would be on April 6th. I'll send out an invitation with a link nearer the time. Any other suggestions are welcome!
- Chris Harris, President
26.01.2021: |
We will be holding our AGM this year on March 2nd. Of course, under the current circumstances, it will not be possible to conduct a physical meeting, so we have decided to use Zoom so we can all take part from the safety of our own homes.
All members of the club will receive an invitation via email with the agenda and instructions on how to connect to the meeting.
The committee hopes that as many as possible will attend this meeting. For most of us it will be the first opportunity to connect with other members of the Club since last year's AGM on March 10th 2020!
16.03.2020: |
In view of the current pandemic, the Zurich Scottish Country Dancing Club is suspending all activities until further notice.
Thank you for your understanding, and we look forward to seeing you on the dance floor as soon as the situation improves.
11.01.2020: |
The dates for the dancing evenings up to June are now on the meetings page, but without any details yet beyond January.
Remember that the 2020 AGM will be on the 10th March.
20.12.2019: |
We are now having our Christmas break. 2019 has been a great year for the club. Let's make 2020 even better!
Remember that the 2020 AGM will be on the 10th March.
In the meantime, we wish everyone a Happy Christmas and all the very best for the New Year.
02.12.2019: |
The Geroldswil Weekend was a great success. Thank you to William Williamson, the musicians Ian and Muriel, and all the participants. Soon we will post a list of the dances that William taught during the weekend.
Tuesday 17th December (NOT the 7th as previously announced!) will be our last dancing evening, and there will be mulled wine and nibbles. Please do let Irene know if you plan to come that night, so that she has some idea of the quantities required.
Please note also that we will be holding our AGM on the 10th March 2020.
23.09.2019: |
The dates and teacher schedules for the remainder of 2019 are now listed on the Meetings page.
And make sure that you sign up for the November dance weekend in Geroldswil! Details on the website under "November 2019".
27.08.2019: |
The dates and teacher schedules for the remainder of 2019 are now listed on the Meetings page.
Tuesday, 3rd September is the first dance evening of the Autumn season 2019. We look forward to dancing with you all again!
And make sure that you sign up for the November dance weekend in Geroldswil! Details on the website under "November 2019".
16.06.2019: |
Tuesday, 25th June will be the last evening before the Summer break. We'll be having our usual Summer punch and nibbles. Note that there will be no technique practice on that evening, so we start at 19:45.
And make sure that you sign up for the November dance weekend in Geroldswil! Details on the website under "November 2019".
15.04.2019: |
On Saturday, 13th April we had a workshop in the Gundeldingerfeld Tango studio in Basel. Morven Rüesch and Chris Harris taught the classes and Sue Bollans from Munich was our musician at the piano.
The workshop was successful, and everyone seems to have enjoyed themselves.
And looking further ahead, We'll be hosting our biennial St Andrew's Night Ball and Dance Weekend in the Hotel Geroldswil on the 30th November - 1st December. For full details, click the November 2019 tab.
06.03.2019: |
On Saturday, 13th April we'll be holding a workshop in the Gundeldingerfeld Tango studio in Basel. The workshop will run from 11:30 and continue - with a break for lunch - until 17:00. The format will be the same as in previous workshops: the morning will be dedicated to general technique, and in the afternoon we'll be tackling some more complicated dances that we wouldn't attempt on a normal dance evening.
Once again, Sue Bollans will be playing the piano for the classes.
Further details can be found in the flyer:
And looking further ahead, We'll be hosting our biennial St Andrew's Night Ball and Dance Weekend in the Hotel Geroldswil on the 30th November - 1st December. For full details, click the November 2019 tab.
28.02.2019: |
The Annual General Meeting of the club will be held on Tuesday, 5th March, starting at 19:30. Please, if you haven't already done so, let Irene know if you will NOT be attending.
13.01.2019: |
The Annual General Meeting of the club will be held on Tuesday, 5th March. Please let Irene know if you will not be attending.
And On Saturday, 13th April we'll be holding a workshop in the Gundeldingerfeld Tango studio in Basel. The workshop will run from 11:30 and continue - with a break for lunch - until 17:00. The format will be the same as in previous workshops: the morning will be dedicated to general technique, and in the afternoon we'll be tackling some more complicated dances that we wouldn't attempt on a normal dance evening.
Once again, Sue Bollans will be playing the piano for the classes.
Further details will be announced later, but make sure you reserve the date!
03.12.2018: |
In the previous bulletin we announced that there will be a workshop on April 13th next year, but this was a bit premature. We hope to be able to run a workshop, but it won't be on that date. Watch this space!
December 11th will be the last dance evening of the year, and we'll be having our traditional mulled wine and nibbles. Please let Irene know if you expect to be there.
After that we'll be taking a break until January 8th. The dance evenings for the first half of 2019 are to be found on the Meetings page.
And looking forward to next year, the Geneva Club will be running their annual Spring Dance on the 6th April. Details on their website: https://www.genevascdc.com
01.12.2018: |
December 11th will be the last dance evening of the year, and we'll be having our traditional mulled wine and nibbles. Please let Irene know if you expect to be there.
After that we'll be taking a break until January 8th. The dance evenings for the first half of 2019 are to be found on the Meetings page.
And looking forward to next year, we'll be holding another workshop on April 13th. So come along, brush up your technique and learn some new and interesting dances!
08.09.2018: |
Remember that the Basel Weekend takes place on the 24th-25th November. It should be a good weekend, so do sign up for it if you haven't already done so! Over the next few weeks we'll be including all of the dances from their ball programme, so that we can all be familiar with these dances.
27.06.2018: |
We are now having our Summer break.
Dancing starts again on the 4th September.
Have a lovely Summer everyone, and we'll see you again then!
30.05.2018: |
Don't forget that the 26th June is our last dance evening before the Summer!
There'll be the usual Summer punch and nibbles.
07.05.2018: |
Due to lack of attendance, we've had to cancel the workshop on the 26th May.
We'll try to find another date in Autumn.
25.04.2018: |
On Saturday, 26th May we'll be holding a workshop in Silbando in Zurich. The format will be the same as in previous workshops: the morning will be dedicated to general technique, and in the afternoon we'll be tackling some more complicated dances that we wouldn't attempt on a normal dance evening.
The workshop begins at 10.00 in the morning and continues - with a break for lunch - until 16.00.
Once again, Sue Bollans will be playing the piano for the classes, and the teachers will be Morven, Mathilde and Chris.
The cost of the workshop will be CHF30.-. Please contact Sylvia (sylvia.nyffeler@gmx.ch) if you'd like to attend.
06.04.2018: |
On Saturday, 26th May we'll be holding a workshop in Silbando in Zurich. The format will be the same as in previous workshops: the morning will be dedicated to general technique, and in the afternoon we'll be tackling some more complicated dances that we wouldn't attempt on a normal dance evening.
Once again, Sue Bollans will be playing the piano for the classes.
Further details will be announced later, but make sure you reserve the date!
21.03.2018: |
The meetings page has been updated to reflect the new schedule of the club. The Dance of the month is now also listed, with a link to the page (if one exists), where the details of that dance can be found.
14.03.2018: |
At the Annual General Meeting of the club on March 13th, it was decided by a large majority to continue meeting every Tuesday, rather than twice a month, as had been the case up to the end of last year.
Further, it was decided that the membership fees would be determined at the AGM for the following, rather than the current year. The constitution has been amended accordingly. The constitution will also soon be available as a PDF for download from this website.
The practice of sending out the evening programmes in advance, to give people the opportunity to look up the dances on the internet, appears to be useful, and has met with general approval. It was therefore agreed that we should continue this practice. Additionally, there will be a "Dance of the Month", which will be repeated each week during the month. The DotM for March is "The Reel of the Royal Scots".
A teaching rota has been established, and is to be found on the meetingspage.
22.02.2018: |
Chris will be back from his travels and will be teaching the evening of March the 6th. We will be discussing the whole issue of the teaching at the AGM on the 13th March. We hope that everyone in the club will attend, as we will be discussing several issues which affect the future of the Zurich Scottish Country Dancing Club.
07.02.2018: |
Remember that Jim Cook will be taking the class on the 13th Feb. He's an excellent teacher, so please come and support him!
17.01.2018: |
We are now meeting every Tuesday until the AGM on the 13th March, when we will decide whether to continue meeting weekly.
Please note that there will be no formal technique practice on the 23rd Jan, but if anyone wishes to practice their steps privately, the main hall is available for that.
09.01.2018: |
Dancing resumed on January 9th. We will now meet every Tuesday until the AGM on the 13th March, when we will decide whether to continue meeting weekly. The Meetings page therefore shows the meetings up to and including the AGM.
Wishing everyone a very happy and successful 2018.
13.12.2017: |
We are currently having our Christmas break. We will resume dancing on January 9th, and we will meet every Tuesday until the AGM on the 13th March, when we will decide whether to continue meeting weekly. The Meetings page therefore shows the meetings up to and including the AGM.
Wishing everyone a very happy Christmas and happy dancing in 2018.
07.12.2017: |
Kathryn Maden has decided that she would would like to try teaching, so she will be taking a couple of dances on the 12th December. I'm sure I don't need to ask people to be sympathetic and pay attention to her!
A reminder that, as from the 9th January, we will be meeting every Tuesday. This is for a trial period until the AGM on the 13th March, when we will decide whether to make this permanent.
The last meeting of the year will take place on the 12th December, and there will be the usual gluhwein and nibbles to finish off the evening. Please let Irene know if you plan to come on that evening!
04.12.2017: |
The dance weekend and St Andrew's Night Ball were a complete success! Congratulations to everyone who helped with the preparations!
The dances taught at the weekend have now been posted. Click on the November 2017 link for a list.
The majority of club members have agreed to meeting for dancing every Tuesday, instead of twice a month as we do now. 24 out of 36 members voted for this change.
From the beginning of January until the AGM, this will just be a trial, and then at the AGM we will vote on whether to make this permanent.
Should it be decided at the AGM to continue for the rest of the year, this will naturally entail an increase in the membership fees, and it was proposed to make this increase 50% (for a 100% increase in dancing!). The fee will be decided at the AGM, which will be held on March 13th.
The last meeting of the year will take place on the 12th December, and there will be the usual gluhwein and nibbles to finish off the evening. Please let Irene know if you plan to come on that evening!
30.11.2017: |
The dance weekend and St Andrew's Night Ball were a complete success! Congratulations to everyone who helped with the preparations!
The dances taught at the weekend will be posted as soon as possible.
At the committee meeting last Tuesday it was decided to contact all the members to ask for feedback about the possibility of meeting for dancing every Tuesday, instead of twice a month as we do now.
From the beginning of January until the AGM, this will just be a trial, and then at the AGM we will put forward a motion to make this permanent.
This will naturally entail an increase in the membership fees, and it was proposed to make this increase 50% (for a 100% increase in dancing!). The fee will be decided at the AGM, which will be held on March 13th.
27.09.2017: |
Diagrams of all the ball dances are now available here: www.zscdc.ch/img/dance_diagrams/ball_diagrams.pdf (with Julian's Jig now corrected!)
There are still some spaces free for the weekend and ball on November 25th-26th. Linda Henderson from San Francisco will be teaching, and we have Ian Robertson and Muriel Johnstone to provide the music once again.
There's still time to apply, but you'll need to hurry! Just click on the November 17 link on the left for details and application forms.
11.09.2017: |
On Saturday 9th September we held a day school at Silbando in Zurich. This was taught by Morven Rüesch (Basel) and Chris Harris (Zurich), with music by Sue Bollans (Munich). The morning was devoted to less complicated dances, with the emphasis on good technique, and in the afternoon we tackled some more challenging dances that we wouldn't normally attempt on a regular dance evening.
Participants at the workshop
The following are the dances that were taught:
- The New Year Jig (RSCDS Bk 51) (Morven)
- The Tri-Mariner (Anne Dix) (Chris)
- Cherrybank Gardens (John Drewry) (Morven)
- The Codebreaker (John Drewry) (Chris)
- MacDonald of Keppoch (RSCDS Bk 49) (Morven)
- The Three E's (Tim Bolton-Maggs) (Chris)
And on November 25th-26th we'll be holding our biennial international dance weekend and ball. Linda Henderson from San Francisco will be teaching, and we have Ian Robertson and Muriel Johnstone to provide the music once again.
Just click on the November 17 link on the left for details and application forms.
05.04.2017: |
On Saturday 9nd September there will be a day school at Silbando in Zurich. This will be taught by Morven Rüesch (Basel) and Chris Harris (Zurich), with music by Sue Bollans (Munich). As with previous workshops, the morning will be devoted to technique, and in the afternoon we'll tackle some dances that we wouldn't normally attempt on a regular dance evening.
More details will be available later in the year.
Please note that this is not a practice for the November Ball! We'll be practising those dances in our regular Tuesday sessions. And on November 25th-26th we'll be holding our biennial international dance weekend and ball. Linda Henderson from San Francisco will be teaching, and we have Ian Robertson and Muriel Johnstone to provide the music once again.
Just click on the November 17 link on the left for details and application forms.
24.03.2017: |
On Saturday 9nd September there will be a day school at Silbando in Zurich. This will be taught by Morven Rüesch (Basel) and Chris Harris (Zurich), with music by Sue Bollans (Munich). As with previous workshops, the morning will be devoted to technique, and in the afternoon we'll tackle some dances that we wouldn't normally attempt on a regular dance evening.
More details will be available later in the year.
And on November 25th-26th we'll be holding our biennial international dance weekend and ball. Linda Henderson from San Francisco will be teaching, and we have Ian Robertson and Muriel Johnstone to provide the music once again.
Details are not yet available, but go to: http://www.zscdc.ch/november17 and fill in the form to keep informed of developments.
31.01.2017: |
Please see the Meetings page for a list of the dancing evenings in 2017.
Note that we will be having our Annual General Meeting on the 14th February, starting at 19:30.
On November 25th-26th we'll be holding our biennial dance weekend and ball. Linda Henderson from San Francisco will be teaching, and we have Ian Robertson and Muriel Johnstone to provide the music once again.
Details are not yet available, but go to http://www.zscdc.ch/november17 and fill in the form to keep informed of developments.
22.01.2017: |
Please see the Meetings page for a list of the dancing evenings in 2017.
Note that we will be having our Annual General Meeting on the 14th February, starting at 19:30.
16.12.2016: |
We are currently having a break over the Christmas period, and start dancing again on the 10th of January.
Please see the Meetings page for a list of the dancing evenings in 2017.
Note that we will be having our Annual General Meeting on the 14th February, starting at 19:30.
Wishing everyone happy dancing in the New Year!
16.09.2016: |
December 13th is our last dancing this year. We'll be having our usual mulled wine and nibbles to finish off.
The first dance evening in 2017 will be on the 10th January.
Wishing everyone a very merry Christmas and happy dancing in the New Year
16.09.2016: |
Don't forget that the Basel group will be having a dance weekend and ball on the 19th-20th November.
All the details can be found on their website at www.scdgb.ch
26.05.2016: |
Remember that our last dance evening before the Summer break will be on the 28th June, and we'll have our usual Summer drink.
We resume again on the 13th September.
Don't forget that the Basel group will be having a dance weekend and ball on the 19th-20th November.
All the details can be found on their website at www.scdgb.ch
06.05.2016: |
On May 24th we have a guest teacher; Jim Cook from London, whom many of you know already, is in the area and is prepared to teach the class.
I do hope that as many of you as possible will take advantage of the opportunity to dance to Jim's teaching. I look forward to a good turnout to welcome him!
30.03.2016: |
At the AGM on the 22nd March, Chris indicated that he would no longer be prepared to be the principle organiser of the November weekend, should we decide to continue to run these, although he would be prepared to continue to put together the programme for the ball, and to suggest musicians and teachers, and to provide any support required. Irene has volunteered to take over the running of the weekend, but if anyone else is prepared to help, or take over any of the tasks involved, we welcome your assistance!
At the April 26th dancing evening, we are really fortunate to have a musician: Sharlene Helen Penman from New Zealand will be visiting Switzerland and has agreed to come and play for the class on the Tuesday evening.
And on May 24th, we have a guest teacher: Jim Cook from London, whom many of you know already, is in the area and is prepared to teach the class.
I do hope that as many of you as possible will take advantage of the opportunity to dance to the music of Sharlene, and the teaching of Jim. I look forward to a good turnout to welcome these guests!
23.03.2016: |
At the AGM on the 22nd March I indicated that
06.03.2016: |
Don't forget that our club AGM will be held on the 22nd March at 7:30pm.
This year we will not be having the usual buffet supper, but just drinks and nibbles, to allow more time for dancing. We'll review this policy after the meeting, to decide whether to continue to do this for future AGMs
16.02.2016: |
We are very sorry to announce the passing of Hans Brunner, husband of Prue Brunner, who was one of the founders of the club, and president of the club for 20 years. Hans had had a fall, but his death was unexpected, and came as a shock to everyone.
Prue has requested that people don't send flowers, but anyone who wishes can make a donation to St Andrew's Church (PC 80-11689-3 or Open Doors (PC 34-4791-0, www.opendoors.ch). The club is making a contribution to the former.
09.12.2015: |
The November 2015 page now lists the dances taught by Pat during the weekend.
We're currently having our Christmas break. We start again on the 12th January 2016
Wishing everyone a very happy Christmas and lots of joyful dancing in 2016!
03.12.2015: |
The November 2015 page now lists the dances taught by Pat during the weekend.
Our meeting on the 8th December will be the last one before Christmas and there'll be gluhwein and nibbles to put us all in the Christmas spirit.
16.11.2015: |
Remember that in November we meet on the 17th and 24th.
These two evenings will be dedicated to practising the dances for the St Andrew's Night Ball on the 28th November, so these two evenings are not suitable for beginner dancers.
At other times, we are delighted to welcome new people, whatever their dancing experience - or lack of it!
Our meeting on the 8th December will be the last one before Christmas and there'll be gluhwein and nibbles to put us all in the Christmas spirit.
28.10.2015: |
Remember that in November we meet on the 17th and 24th, and not on the 10th
These two evenings will be dedicated to practising the dances for the St Andrew's Night Ball on the 28th November.
On Saturday, 14th November, there will be another ceilidh in the Community Centre. The previous two ceilidhs proved very popular. Download the flyer with all the details here: http://zscdc.ch/docs/eng/scottish_ceilidh_november_2015.pdf
24.10.2015: |
Just to remind everyone that there will be NO technique on the 27th October, due to a committee meeting. Dancing will start at 19:45.
Please note also that in November we meet on the 17th and 24th, and not on the 10th
The evenings in October and November will be dedicated to learning the dances for the St Andrew's Night Ball.
07.10.2015: |
Please note that there will be NO technique on the 27th October, due to a committee meeting. Dancing will start at 19:45.
All the spaces for the ball are now filled. It's going to be a great weekend!
If you would still like to apply, please contact the secretary and request to be put on the waiting list.
23.09.2015: |
On Tuesday, 29th September (which is not a normal dancing evening), from 19:30 we will be having an extra dance practice to learn some of the trickier dances from the November Ball programme. Please contact Sylvia if you plan to come to that. We need at least 8 people to make it worthwhile.
If there are any particular dances you would like to do on that evening, please let Chris or Sylvia know.
Please note that there will be NO technique on the 27th October, due to a committee meeting. Dancing will start at 19:45.
All the spaces for the ball are now filled. It's going to be a great weekend!
If you would still like to apply, please contact the secretary and request to be put on the waiting list.
And if you've applied and haven't yet paid, please do so by the end of September.
16.09.2015: |
We're back dancing again and working on the dances for the Ball in November.
All the spaces for the ball are now filled. It's going to be a great weekend!
If you would still like to apply, please contact the secretary and request to be put on the waiting list.
And if you've applied and haven't yet paid, please do so by the end of September.
14.09.2015: |
We're back dancing again and working on the dances for the Ball in November.
If you still want to apply for the course and/or ball and haven't got round to it yet, remember that the closing date for applications is the 30th September.
Just click on the November 2015 link on the left.
And if you've applied and haven't yet paid, please do so by the end of September.
24.06.2015: |
The club has finished for the Summer break. We will start dancing again on the 8th September. Check the meetings page for dates up to the end of the year.
We have just learned that the 2015 Geroldswil weekend will be the last; the hotel and village centre are to be completely restructured and the hotel lease will not be renewed. All the more reason to take this opportunity to dance there this last time! Visit the November 2015 page for details.
It is with great sadness that we announce that one of our most loyal members, Hew Macintosh, died very suddenly on Sunday 21st June, probably from a heart attack.
Hew was quiet, but always friendly, cheerful and helpful. He loved the dancing and he will be sorely missed. Our condolences to his family in Australia, and to his partner Romi.
10.06.2015: |
Full details about the Course and Ball in November are to be found on the November 15 page, along with application forms, both offline and online.
Dance diagrammes for all the ball dances are also available on that page.
It's going to be a great weekend! If you're thinking of coming and haven't yet applied, please do so as soon as you can! And if you know of anyone who might like to come, please do your best to persuade them to apply!
The meeting on the 23rd June will be our last before the Summer break, so we'll be having our traditional Summer drink and nibbles. Please let Irene know if you're planning to come on that evening.
10.04.2015: |
Full details about the Course and Ball in November are to be found on the November 15 page, along with application forms, both offline and online.
It's going to be a great weekend, and we hope that the Club will be well represented.
On the 6th June the British Residents' Association will be having a repeat of their successful ceilidh. Check the events page for details.
Please note that there will be no technique practice in April. Dancing starts at 19:45.
28.03.2015: |
Planning for the Course and Ball in November is in full swing, and we hope to be making the full details and application forms available very soon.
We'll keep you informed on progress. Details will also be published on the November 15 page soon.
On the 6th June the British Residents' Association will be having a repeat of their successful ceilidh. Check the events page for details.
Please note that there will be no technique practice in April. Dancing starts at 19:45.
11.03.2015: |
At the AGM on the 10th March it was unanimously decided that we should go ahead with the November Course again in 2015. Details of that will be posted up as they become available. I do hope that as many of the club as possible will attend. The 2013 weekend was a great success in terms of general enjoyment and standard of dancing, and we want to work hard towards making this year's event just as good, if not better.
Please note that we will be having a committee meeting on the 24th March, so there will be no step-practice again.
It was also decided to implement a new policy on Tuesday evenings, to the effect that, if we have inexperienced dancers attending, we will devote the first half of the evening to simple dances, and after the break we will tackle possibly more advanced dances. We need to make this known to potential attendees, as well as to the teachers of the evenings.
18.02.2015: |
Please note that, due to a committee meeting, there will be NO step practice on the 24th Feb. Dancing starts at 19.45.
Don't forget that the AGM will be on the 10th March. Please let the secretary know if you are planning to attend!
23.01.2015: |
The dates for 2015 are listed on the Meetings page.
30.11.2014: |
The dates for 2015 are now listed on the Meetings page.
And remember that the 9th December is our last dancing evening, so there will be the usual gluhwein and nibbles after the dancing.
18.11.2014: |
On the 29th November, the British Residents' Association is holding a ceilidh in the Community Centre.
If you're interested, download the flyer:
Please contact the organisers by Monday, 24th November if you'd like to attend.
And remember that the 9th December is our last dancing evening, so there will be the usual gluhwein and nibbles after the dancing.
29.10.2014: |
Morven will be taking the dancing on the 11th November.
There will be step practice as usual from 19.15.
22.10.2014: |
On the 18th October we held a workshop at Silbando in Zurich.
Teachers were Mathilde Tischmacher, Morven Rueesch and Chris Harris, and Sue Bollans played for the class.
If there is sufficient interest we will be holding another in Spring 2015
20.09.2014: |
The format will be the same as last time:
In the morning we'll concentrate on steps and formations.
Then in the afternoon we'll learn some dances that we wouldn't normally tackle on a club evening.
Teachers will be Mathilde Tischmacher, Morven Rueesch and Chris Harris, and Sue Bollans will be playing for the class.
Contact Sylvia if you're interested.
Full details on the Flyer here: http://www.zscdc.ch/docs/eng/workshop_october_2014.pdf
04.09.2014: |
Don't forget that we start dancing again on the 9th September!
19:15 as usual for technique and 19:45 for the dancing.
See you there!
And don't forget that on the 18th October we will be holding another workshop at Silbando in Zurich.
The format will be the same as last time:
In the morning we'll concentrate on steps and formations.
Then in the afternoon we'll learn some dances that we wouldn't normally tackle on a Club evening.
Teachers will be Morven Rueesch and Chris Harris, and Sue Bollans will be playing for the class.
Contact Sylvia if you're interested.
30.06.2014: |
We are currently having our Summer break. Dancing starts again on the 9th September.
On the 20th September we will be holding another workshop at Silbando in Zurich.
The format will be the same as last time:
In the morning we'll concentrate on steps and formations.
Then in the afternoon we'll learn some dances that we wouldn't normally tackle on a Club evening.
Teachers will be Morven Rueesch and Chris Harris, and Sue Bollans will be playing for the class.
Contact Sylvia if you're interested.
We hope to see you there!
26.06.2014: |
We are currently having our Summer break. Dancing starts again on the 9th September.
Have a great Summer everyone!
14.06.2014: |
Note that the next dance evening, the 24th June, will be the last one before the Summer. We'll finish off with our traditional Summer bowl and nibbles.
21.05.2014: |
Note that the next two dance evenings will be on the 27th May and the 3rd June.
On Saturday 26th April Morven Rueesch and Chris Harris held a day school,
with Sue Bollans from Munich playing for the class.
The morning session was spent on technique. In the afternoon we tackled some
dances that we wouldn't normally attempt on a regular dance evening.
Below is a list of the dances taught:
- J: The Brudenell Jig (RSDCDS Graded Bk 2)
- R: The Duke of Perth (RSCDS Bk 1)
- S: Lammermuir Hills (Roy Goldring)
- R: Crossing the Line (John Drewry)
- S: The Haunt of the Gnomes (John Drewry)
- J: The Rainbow of Saitamo (Kaoru Hoshino)
27.04.2014: |
On Saturday 26th April Morven Rueesch and Chris Harris held a day school,
with Sue Bollans from Munich playing for the class.
The morning session was spent on technique. In the afternoon we tackled some
dances that we wouldn't normally attempt on a regular dance evening.
Below is a list of the dances taught:
- J: The Brudenell Jig (RSDCDS Graded Bk 2)
- R: The Duke of Perth (RSCDS Bk 1)
- S: Lammermuir Hills (Roy Goldring)
- R: Crossing the Line (John Drewry)
- S: The Haunt of the Gnomes (John Drewry)
- J: The Rainbow of Saitamo (Kaoru Hoshino)
22.03.2014: |
On Saturday 26th April Morven Rueesch and Chris Harris will be doing a day school. Sue Bollans from Munich
will be playing. The morning session will be concentrating on technique. In the afternoon we plan to tackle some
dances that we wouldn't normally attempt on a regular dance evening.
You can find the flyer with all the details here:
24.02.2014: |
On Saturday 26th April Morven Rüesch and Chris Harris will be doing a day school. Sue Bollans from Munich
will be playing. The morning session will be concentrating on technique. In the afternoon we plan to tackle some
dances that we wouldn't normally attempt on a regular dance evening.
Please contact Sylvia if you'd like to attend.
In June the Church Community Centre heating and hot water system is being renovated, and we will not be able to use
the hall on the 10th. This means that we will be dancing on the 3rd June instead of the 10th.
The change has been made on the Meetings page, and we will send out a reminder of this nearer the time.
21.02.2014: |
At the Annual General Meeting on the 11th February, the decision was made to make some changes to the Club's Constitution
to bring it up to date and make the wording a little more precise. All the members should now have received a copy of the
revised Constitution, and the plan is to make it available through this website. No significant alterations have been made
to the Club's statutes.
In June the Church Community Centre heating and hot water system is being renovated, and we will not be able to use
the hall on the 10th. This means that we will be dancing on the 3rd June instead of the 10th.
The change has been made on the Meetings page, and we will send out a reminder of this nearer the time.
02.02.2014: |
The AGM and party will take place on the 11th February. You should have received a separate notification of this, and you are asked asked to inform the secretary if you plan to attend.
This helps us to estimate the amount of food and drink required, so we would be most grateful if you would respond.
All the dates for 2014 are to be found on the meetings page.
Any changes to these will be posted here, but it's always a good idea to check from time to time, just to be sure not to arrive on the wrong evening!
10.01.2014: |
Dancing will start again on the 14th January. Note that there will be no step-practice on that evening, due to a committee meeting.
The AGM and party will take place on the 11th February. You will receive a separate notification of this, and you will be asked to inform the secretary if you plan to attend.
This helps us to estimate the amount of food and drink required, so we would be most grateful if you would respond.
All the dates for 2014 are to be found on the meetings page.
Any changes to these will be posted here, but it's always a good idea to check from time to time, just to be sure not to arrive on the wrong evening!
11.12.2013: |
We are currently having our Christmas break. Dancing will start again on the 14th January. Note that there will be no step-practice on that evening, due to a committee meeting.
All the dates for 2014 are to be found on the meetings page.
Any changes to these will be posted here, but it's always a good idea to check from time to time, just to be sure not to arrive on the wrong evening!
06.12.2013: |
December 10 will be the last dancing evening this year. There will be Gluhwein and nibbles after the dancing.
If you haven't already done so, could you please let Irene know if you plan to come.
There will be step practice at 19.15
21.11.2013: |
Due to insufficient interest, there will be NO additional practice for the Ball. The final practice will be on Tuesday evening, 26th November.
Apologies to those people who said they would have attended the extra practice on the 23rd.
There will be step practice from 19.15 on Tuesday.
30.10.2013: |
This is a reminder that that on the 23rd November from 14:00 till 17:00 we are planning a practice at the Silbando dance studio in Zurich for the more challenging dances on the ball programme. To date, only 7 people have expressed interest in this. We need at least 8 dancers or we will have to cancel.
Note that this practice is open to everyone, including those who are not planning to attend the ball on the 30th. If you would like to attend this extra practice, please let Chris or Sylvia know as soon as possible.
There will be a small charge for attendance.
30.10.2013: |
This is a reminder that that on the 23rd November from 14:00 till 17:00 we are planning a practice for the more challenging dances on the ball programme. To date, only 6-7 people have expressed interest. We need at least 8 dancers or we will have to cancel.
Note that this practice is open to everyone, including those who are not planning to attend the ball on the 30th. If you would like to attend this extra practice, please let Chris or Sylvia know as soon as possible.
If we aren't forced to cancel, the practice will take place at the Silbando dance studio in Zurich. There will be a small charge for attendance.
28.09.2013: |
A MiniCrib of the dances for the St Andrew's Night Ball on the 30th November is online, also a pdf of Pilling-style diagrammes. You can find both of these under the November 2013 link.
Please get your applications for the weekend and ball in soon, if you haven't already done so. We need all the support we can get, and it should be a great weekend!
On the 23rd November from 14:00 till 17:00 we'll be having a practice for the more challenging dances on the ball programme. This will take place at the Silbando dance studio in Zurich. There will be a small charge for attendance. More details to follow nearer the time.
23.09.2013: |
Step practice on the 24th September at 19.15 as usual.
A MiniCrib of the dances for the St Andrew's Night Ball on the 30th November is online, also a pdf of Pilling-style diagrammes. You can find both of these under the November 2013 link.
Please get your applications for the weekend and ball in soon, if you haven't already done so. We need all the support we can get, and it should be a great weekend!
On the 23rd November from 14:00 till 17:00 we'll be having a practice for the more challenging dances on the ball programme. This will take place at the Silbando dance studio in Zurich. There will be a small charge for attendance. More details to follow nearer the time.
09.09.2013: |
Don't forget that we start dancing again on the 10th September.
Step practice at 19.15 as usual.
A MiniCrib of the dances for the St Andrew's Night Ball on the 30th November is online. You can find it under the November 2013 link.
Please get your applications for the weekend and ball in soon, if you haven't already done so. We need all the support we can get, and it should be a great weekend!
26.06.2013: |
The Zurich Scottish Country Dancing Club is having its Summer break. We start again on the 10th September.
The online application form for the November weekend is on the website, and all the details of the weekend course and St Andrew's Night Ball on the 30th November-1st December can be found on the November 2013 link.
Please make the effort to attend the weekend and the ball (or just the ball, if you can't manage the weeekend). You won't regret it - both the teaching and the music will be some of the best you can experience!
25.06.2013: |
Note that the 25th June will be our last dancing evening before the Summer break. There will be a Summer drink and nibbles.
Note also that there will be NO step practice before the dancing.
Dates up to the end of the year are on the meetings page.
The application form for the November weekend is now on the website. Click on the November 2013 link to get details and apply.
Please make the effort to attend the weekend and St Andrew's Night ball (or just the ball, if you can't manage the weeekend).
You won't regret it - both the teaching and the music will be some of the best you can experience!
12.06.2013: |
Note that the 25th June will be our last dancing evening before the Summer break. There will be a Summer drink and nibbles.
Note also that there will be no step practice before the dancing.
Dates up to the end of the year are on the meetings page.
Information about the November weekend is now on the website. Click on the November 2013 link to get details and apply.
Please make the effort to attend the weekend and St Andrew's Night ball (or just the ball, if you can't manage the weeekend).
You won't regret it – both the teaching and the music will be some of the best you can experience!
12.06.2013: |
Note that the 25th June will be our last dancing evening before the Summer break. There will be a Summer drink and nibbles.
Note also that there will be no step practice before the dancing.
Dates up to the end of the year are on the meetings page.
27.03.2013: |
At the AGM on the 26th March, René Furegati officially resigned as treasurer of the club and Ralf Pfaff agreed to take his place. Our thanks to René for his precise and conscientious keeping of the club's books, and also to Ralf for taking on the job.
26.02.2013: |
May we remind everyone that the AGM will take place on the 26th March, starting at 19.30. After the meeting there will be the usual buffet supper with drinks. Once again there will be a small charge to cover the cost of food and drink.
If you have not already done so, could you please let the secretary know whether you will be able to attend.
28.01.2013: |
All the dates for 2013 are now on the meetings page along with the details up until May.
It has been decided that the secretary will no longer send out details of events received from other clubs directly to all the members. They will be announced on the events page of this website instead. Amongst other such events that have now been placed there is the Geneva Spring Dance on March 23rd.
28.11.2012: |
All the dates for 2013 are now on the meetings page along with the details up until May.
The next meeting will be on the 11th Dec, and as it's the last one before Christmas, we'll be having our usual Gluhwein and nibbles.
If you haven't already done so, could you please let Irene know whether you'll be coming to that, so we have an idea of the quantities required.
24.10.2012: |
Please note that there will be no step practice on the 13th November. Dancing starts at 19.45.
All the details of the Basel Course on the 10th and 11th November are to be found on their website at www.scdgb.ch
06.10.2012: |
Please note that there will be no step practice on the 9th October. Dancing starts at 19.45.
If enough people are interested I will run a special workshop to teach some of the dances for the Basel Ball. The workshop is not restricted to people who are going to the Basel weekend - there are some interesting dances, which you might be interested to try. The workshop is not suitable for beginners, though, and will only take place if there are at least 8 dancers attending.
The workshop will be on the 4th November and will run from 11.00 to 15.00 with a break for lunch (you'll need to bring a sandwich or something suitable). It will take place at the Silbando dance studio in Zurich.
Please contact Sylvia for more details and to register. Her email address is on the committee page of the website.
All the details of the Basel Course on the 10th and 11th November are to be found on their website at www.scdgb.ch
24.09.2012: |
Details of all the meetings up to the end of 2012 are now on the meetings page (with one exception, which will be filled in as soon as this is finalised).
And if you haven't signed up for the Basel Course on the 10th and 11th November, there are still places free. All the details are to be found on their website at www.scdgb.ch
07.09.2012: |
Don't forget that we start again on September 11th. We look forward to seeing you all then!
The dates for the rest of the year are on the meetings page, along with the details for September. Details for the rest of the year will be filled in later, and you will be informed by email when this is done.
And if you haven't signed up for the Basel Course on the 10th and 11th November, you can still do so. All the details are to be found on their website at www.scdgb.ch
30.08.2012: |
Up to now we've haven't had a great deal of interest for our dance workshop in September. If we don't have sufficient numbers we will have to cancel the event. So if you want to come and haven't signed up yet, please do so as soon as you can. And if you know anyone else who might like to join in, please let them know. The event is open to anyone who wishes to improve his or her dancing.
A reminder of the details: it's on September 22nd, a Scottish Country Dance workshop at the Silbando dance studio in Zurich. The workshop will run from 10:00 until 15:00. Chris Harris and Morven Rüesch will be teaching, and Sue Bollans from Munich will provide the music.
Download the flyer, fill in the application form and send it to Sylvia. We need at least 15 participants to make it viable, so we're relying on you all!
Here's the flyer:
And if you haven't signed up for the Basel Course on the 10th and 11th November, you can still do so. All the details are to be found on their website at www.scdgb.ch
And remember that the Zurich Club starts dancing again on the 11th September. We look forward to seeing you all then!
23.07.2012: |
The Zurich Scottish Country Dancing Club is currently having their Summer break. We resume dancing after the Summer break on the 11th September.
Don't forget that on September 22nd there will be a Scottish Country Dance workshop at the Silbando dance studio in Zurich. The workshop will run from 10:00 until 15:00. Chris Harris and Morven Rüesch will be teaching, and Sue Bollans from Munich will provide the music.
Download the flyer, fill in the application form and send it to Sylvia. We need at least 15 participants to make it viable, so we're relying on you all!
Here's the flyer:
And if you haven't signed up for the Basel Course on the 10th and 11th November, you can still do so. All the details are to be found on their website at www.scdgb.ch
02.07.2012: |
The Zurich Scottish Country Dancing Club is currently having their Summer break. We resume dancing after the Summer break on the 11th September.
Don't forget that on September 22nd there will be a Scottish Country Dance workshop at the Silbando dance studio in Zurich. The workshop will run from 10:00 until 15:00. Chris Harris and Morven Rüesch will be teaching, and Sue Bollans from Munich will provide the music.
Further details will be sent out nearer the time.
And if you haven't signed up for the Basel Course on the 10th and 11th November, you can still do so. All the details are to be found on their website at www.scdgb.ch
10.06.2012: |
The 26th June will be the last dancing of the current season. There will be a Summer aperitiv and nibbles. If you plan to come to that, PLEASE let Irene know, so we can have an idea of the quantities required.
We resume dancing after the Summer break on the 11th September.
Don't forget that on September 22nd there will be a Scottish Country Dance workshop at the Silbando dance studio in Zurich. The workshop will run from 10:00 until 15:00. Chris Harris and Morven Rüesch will be teaching, and Sue Bollans from Munich will provide the music.
Further details will be sent out nearer the time.
And if you haven't signed up for the Basel Course on the 10th and 11th November, you can still do so. All the details are to be found on their website at www.scdgb.ch
12.05.2012: |
A date for your diaries:
On September 22nd there will be a Scottish Country Dance workshop at the Silbando dance studio in Zurich. The workshop will run from 10:00 until 15:00. Chris Harris and Morven Rüesch will be teaching, and Sue Bollans from Munich will provide the music.
Further details will be sent out nearer the time.
07.05.2012: |
This information didn't get updated, my apologies!
The teacher on the 8th May will be Chris, and there will be step practice from 19.15
The information the meetings page is correct.
18.04.2012: |
As Chris will not be in Switzerland on the 24th April, Minnie has very kindly agreed to teach the dances on that evening. We hope she will have the support of as many people as possible.
Please note that there will be no step practice on the 8th May!
Be sure to check the meetings page for the latest schedules.
18.03.2012: |
In the last communication I forgot to mention the time of the workshop. So here's the revised text:
As was mentioned last Tuesday, there'll be a workshop on Sunday, 1st April (no joke!) The purpose is to work on some dances that are rather more more advanced, and which we wouldn't normally tackle in any depth - if at all - on a regular Tuesday evening. The dances will all be chosen from the programmes from the Easter weekend in Beaune, but the workshop is open to anyone who'd like to try these dances. The workshop will start at 14:00 and last approximately 2 hours.
The workshop will take place at the Club Silbando, where we had our extra practice last November. It is very easy to find, either by tram or by car. On a Sunday, there is enough parking. Details of the venue including a map can be found on the website: www.silbando.ch. If you'd like to come along, could you please contact Sylvia (sylvia.nyffeler@gmx.ch) if you haven't already done so.
To cover the cost of the room, the cost of the workshop will be around Sfr.10 per participant.
15.02.2012: |
Angelika Seegers has resigned from the committee. At the AGM on the 14th Feb Sylvia Nyffeler agreed to take her place. We thank Angelika for her engagement during the year and welcome Sylvia into the committee. The appropriate changes have been made to the committee page.
15.12.2011: |
We are now having our Christmas break.
Please note that we will be meeting in January on the 17th and the 31st, as there will be workmen in the Community Centre on the 10th. Starting times in January only are at 19.30 for beginners' step practice.
The dates for 2012 on the meetings page have been adjusted accordingly.
The first meeting in February will be the AGM on the 14th. You will receive a separate invitation for this from the secretary.
23.11.2011: |
Remember that the 13th December is our last dancing evening this year. There'll be gluhwein and nibbles.
Irene will be sending out an email about that. Please reply, as she needs to know how many people will be attending.
There will be a technique practice at 19.15 for anyone who wishes. For those who don't, the dancing starts at 19.45.
All the dates for 2012 are now on the meetings page.
10.11.2011: |
Please note that there will be no technique practice on the 15th and 22nd November due to committee meetings!
Don't forget that the dates for November are the 15th and the 22nd, due to the fact that the hall will be needed on the 8th for preparations for the Chuch Bazaar.
Also, that we will have an extra practice of the more difficult of the ball dances from 14:00 on the 20th November, provided that we have at least 8 people who would like to take part. The charge is sFr. 5 per person towards the cost of the hall. Please contact Sylvia (sylvia.nyffeler@gmx.ch) if you would like to take advantage of this opportunity. It will take place at the Club Silbando. This is very easy to find, either by tram or by car. On a Sunday, there is enough parking. Details of the venue including a map can be found on the website: www.silbando.ch |
22.10.2011: |
Don't forget that the dates for November are the 15th and the 22nd, due to the fact that the hall will be needed on the 8th for preparations for the Chuch Bazaar.
Also, that we will have an extra practice of the more difficult of the ball dances from 14:00 on the 20th November, provided that we have at least 8 people who would like to take part. The charge is sFr. 5 per person towards the cost of the hall. Please contact Sylvia (sylvia.nyffeler@gmx.ch) if you would like to take advantage of this opportunity. It will take place at the Club Silbando. This is very easy to find, either by tram or by car. On a Sunday, there is enough parking. Details of the venue including a map can be found on the website: www.silbando.ch |
02.10.2011: |
Descriptions of the dances for the St Andrew's Night Ball are available. Go to the November 11 pages to find them.
Note that we will have an extra practice of the more difficult of the ball dances on Sunday afternoon, 20th November (one week before the event), provided that we have at least 8 people who would like to take part. The charge is sFr. 5 per person towards the cost of the hall. Please contact Sylvia (sylvia.nyffeler@gmx.ch) if you would like to take advantage of this opportunity. It will take place at the Club Silbando. This is very easy to find, either by tram or by car. On a Sunday, there is enough parking. Details of the venue including a map can be found on the website: www.silbando.ch
Don't forget that the Basel Scottish Country Dance Group are holding a ceilidh on the 22nd October. Check out the
events page for details. |
23.08.2011: |
The Basel Scottish Country Dance Group are holding a ceilidh on the 22nd October. Check out the
events page.
And don't forget to book for the November weekend if you haven't already
done so!
Click on the November 2011 link on the left!
23.08.2011: |
Dates and teachers are now available on the
meetings page.
And don't forget to book for the November weekend if you haven't already
done so!
Click on the November 2011 link on the left!
26.06.2011: |
Information and application forms for the November weekend are (finally) available! Click on the 'November 2011' link on the left of the homepage.
10.03.11: |
Christine Schellenberg has stepped down as vice president of the club, due to family commitments. At the Annual General Meeting on the 8th March, William Seegers was nominated and accepted as her replacement. In addition, Angelika Seegers has agreed to serve as an ordinary member of the committee.
Please note that there will be no step practice on the 22nd March, due to a committee meeting. |
31.01.2011: |
Don't forget that the AGM this year will be on the 8th March. The secretary has sent out an e-mail with the invitation. You can also find a copy here: http://www.zscdc.ch/docs/eng/2011_agm.pdf. After the meeting there will be the usual buffet and drinks, followed by 2 or 3 dances.
Please be sure to inform the secretary (secretary@zscdc.ch) by the 18th Feb if you intend to come. We hope as many people as possible will make the effort to attend.
29.12.10: |
The dates and the teaching rota up to the Summer break are now on the meetings page.
Note the date of the AGM is the 8th March. Members will be informed of the details nearer the time.
A healthy, happy and prosperous New Year to one and all!
19.12.10: |
The dates, but not the teaching rota, are now up on the meetings page.
29.11.10: |
The next meeting will be the last one before Christmas, so we will be having our traditional Gluhwein and nibbles.
If you haven't already done so, could you please inform Irene if you intend to come, so we can estimate the quantities required.
18.10.10: |
Note: In November we will be dancing on the 16th and the 23rd. The church hall is not available to us on the 9th due to the bazaar on the Saturday. See the meetings page for details.
Details of the dances for the Basel Club's St Andrew's Night Ball can now be found on the events page
14.10.10: |
Details of the dances for the Basel Club's St Andrew's Night Ball can now be found on the events page
28.08.10: |
A little late, the details of meetings up to the end of October are now on the meetings page.
We now have an additional service, whereby you can be notified by e-mail whenever a new message is posted here. You no longer need to to keep checking for updates if your address is on the list.
Initially this list contains the addresses of all the members whose e-mail is included in the members' address list.
If your e-mail address is not included, and you would like to receive these updates, please send the webmaster a request to add it to the list. Conversely, if you would prefer not to receive e-mails from us, you can request to have your address removed again.
Note that newsletters can sometimes be identified as spam by your e-mail program or your ISP and not delivered. If you think you should have received the news but haven't, we recommend that you check the spam folder to see if this is the case.
25.06.10: |
We are currently having our Summer break and will resume dancing on Tuesday, 24th August.
Details of the teachers and dates will be posted nearer the time.
We wish everyone a wonderful Summer!
03.04.10: |
We are currently having our Summer break and will resume dancing on Tuesday, 24th August.
Details of the teachers and dates will be posted nearer the time.
We wish everyone a wonderful Summer!
28.03.10: |
The names of the teachers up until the end of June are now on the Meetings page.
Please note that in May we will be meeting on the 4th and the 25th, not the 11th and the 25th, as the Church Council needs the Community Centre on the 11th.
13.02.10: |
At the Annual General Meeting of the club on the 9th February, Fiona stepped down as president after more than 20 years in that office. Her place will be taken by Chris. We thank Fiona heartily for all her work and dedication to the Zurich Scottish Country Dancing Club.
16.12.2009: |
Corrected an error in the link to my photo gallery
on the events page.
If anyone else has has photos they'd like to publish, send them to me and I'll post them on the November page. Alternatively, if they are already on the web, just send me the link and I'll publish it.
We are now having a break from dancing over the Christmas period.
The next meeting of the club will be on January 12th.
05.12.2009: |
There is now a page devoted to the November weekend in Geroldswil. It has a list of the dances that Eric taught at the weekend and links to some galleries of pictures.
Click on the link on the navigation bar on the left.
If anyone else has has photos they'd like to publish, send them to me and I'll post them on the November page. Alternatively, if they are already on the web, just send me the link and I'll publish it.
The next meeting of the club will be on the 8th December, and as it's the last one before the Christmas break, we'll be having the traditional gluhwein and nibbles.
30.11.2009: |
The November weekend seems to have been pretty successful, judging by the feedback we've received so far. Pictures from the weekend and a list of the dances that Eric taught will be put on the site within the next week.
The next meeting of the club will be on the 8th December, and as it's the last one before the Christmas break, we'll be having the traditional gluhwein and nibbles.
23.11.2009: |
Note that there will be no step-practice on the 24th, as we have work to do to prepare for the weekend!
Applications are now closed for the November weekend.
If you have applied for the weekend but not yet received an acknowledgement from the secretary, please contact her as soon as possible to check that your name is on the list.
Don't forget that in November we will be meeting on the 17th and the 24th - and not on the 10th and the 24th. Keep checking the Meetings page for details!
08.11.2009: |
Applications are now closed for the November weekend.
If you have applied for the weekend but not yet received an acknowledgement from the secretary, please contact her as soon as possible to check that your name is on the list.
Don't forget that in November we will be meeting on the 17th and the 24th - and not on the 10th and the 24th. Keep checking the Meetings page for details!
23.09.2009: |
Please note that in November we will be meeting on the 17th and the 24th - and not on the 10th and the 24th. Keep checking the Meetings page for details!
The Minicrib of the dances for the ball in November is now on the downloads section of the November pages. Also a pdf of Pilling diagrammes (many thanks to Martina for doing this!). The only one that's missing is the Zytglogge, the full description of which follows on the next page.
18.09.2009: |
The Minicrib of the dances for the ball in November is now on the downloads section of the November pages. Also a pdf of Pilling diagrammes (many thanks to Martina for doing this!). The only one that's missing is the Zytglogge, the full description of which follows on the next page.
Dates and teachers for the Autumn season are on the Meetings page.
13.09.2009: |
Made a couple of changes to the Course and Ball info (click on November09 above!):
Corrected 2 small mistakes on the Ball programme and made the details of how to pay a bit easier to find.
Dates and teachers for the Autumn season are now on the Meetings page.
30.08.2009: |
Don't forget to sign up for the November Weekend with Eric Finley, Keith Smith and James Gray! Places are going fast!
Click on the link above for details and to apply!
Dates and teachers for the Autumn season are now on the Meetings page.
19.07.2009: |
The Zurich Club is having its Summer Break. We resume dancing again on the 25th August.
Have a nice Summer everyone!
The online application form for the November weekend and St Andrew's Night Ball is now active. Click on the link above for full details of the weekend.
Dates and teachers for the Autumn season are now on the Meetings page.
28.06.2009: |
The Zurich Club is having its Summer Break. We resume dancing again on the 25th August.
Have a nice Summer everyone!
Don't forget the dance weekend on 28th-29th November with the traditional St Andrew's Night Ball on the Saturday evening. Teacher for the weekend will be Eric Finley, and the musicians are Keith Smith (fiddle) and James Gray (piano).
For full details and application forms, click the link above.
17.06.2009: |
Latest news:
There will be technique practice before the dancing on
Tuesday, 23rd June! Start at 19.15 as usual.
Please note that we'll be having the traditional Summer Bowl instead
of the usual break on the last evening (23rd June).
Don't forget the dance weekend on 28th-29th November with the traditional St Andrew's Night Ball on the Saturday evening. Teacher for the weekend will be Eric Finley, and the musicians are Keith Smith (fiddle) and James Gray (piano).
I'll put the details on this website as soon as they've been finalised.
01.06.2009: |
The details of the meetings up to the Summer break have been up for some time, but I haven't had time to update this info until now.
Please note that there will be no step/formation practice before the dancing on the 23rd June, as we'll be having a committee meeting. Dancing will start at 7.45 pm, and we'll have the traditional Summer Bowl instead of the usual break.
Don't forget the dance weekend on 28th-29th November with the traditional St Andrew's Night Ball on the Saturday evening. Teacher for the weekend will be Eric Finley, and the musicians are Keith Smith (fiddle) and James Gray (piano).
I'll put the details on this website as soon as they've been finalised.
11.02.2009: |
The dates of the meetings up to the end of March of 2009 are on the Meetings page. I'll add the meetings up to the Summer break as soon as we have the details.
At the 2009 Annual General Meeting on the 10th February, René Furegati agreed to take over from Jan Sohnrey as treasurer. We thank Jan for all his work and wish him a wonderful trip to various places around the Globe. Many thanks to René for agreeing to shoulder the burden, and we look forward to working with him. The committee page has been updated accordingly.
And now it's official: We'll be organising a weekend of dance on the 28th-29th November with the traditional St Andrew's Night Ball on the Saturday evening. Teacher for the weekend will be Eric Finley, and the musicians are Keith Smith (fiddle) and James Gray (piano).
I'll put the details on this website as soon as they've been finalised.
09.01.2009: |
The dates (and some of the details) of all the meetings for the first 3 months of 2009 are now on the Meetings page.
The 2009 Annual General Meeting of the club will be on the 10th February. Details have been sent by the secretary to all the members. If you are a member and have not yet received an invitation, could you please contact Irene as soon as possible.
29.11.2008: |
The dates (but no details yet) of all the meetings for the first 3 months of 2009 are now on the Meetings page.
Note that there will be no step practice on the 9th December, the last meeting of the year.
The 2009 Annual General Meeting of the club will be on the 10th February. Details to follow early in the new year.
01.11.2008: |
The details for all the meetings up until the Christmas break are now on the Meetings page.
I've also removed the November 2007 pages. If anyone would still like information about the dances or the ball, let me know and I'll make them available.
06.09.2008: |
The details for the first 4 sessions are now on the Meetings page.
Note that we shall be devoting the first 3 meetings to the dances for the Basle weekend (see the events page for details!)
19.08.2008: |
The dates are (at last!) listed on the Meetings page. There are still no details except for the first evening, so keep watching this space! I hope to fill in the rest within the next couple of days.
Note that we shall be devoting the first 3 meetings to the dances for the Basle weekend (see the events page for details!)
14.07.2008: |
At the last committee meeting on 10th June it was decided to continue starting at 19:45 (19:15 for step practice). This was introduced on a trial basis after the AGM in February, and will now be permanent.
We are currently having our Summer break. We wish everyone a nice Summer. Just don't forget your umbrella and your wellies!
14.06.2008: |
At the last committee meeting on 10th June it was decided to continue starting at 19:45 (19:15 for step practice). This was introduced on a trial basis after the AGM in February, and will now be permanent.
Note that the meeting on the 24th June will be the last before the Summer break, so we will be having our traditional Summer punch with snacks.
Note also that, although there is no football match on that evening, the parking restrictions on the Promenadengasse still apply. So if you intend to come by car, give yourself plenty of time to find somewhere to park!
10.04.2008: |
The dates and the teachers are now listed up to the end of June 2008.
Don't forget that we are starting at 7.45 for the regular dancing and 7.15 for step practice.
07.04.2008: |
The dates (but not the teachers) are now listed up to the end of June 2008.
Don't forget that we are starting at 7.45 for the regular dancing and 7.15 for step practice.
29.02.2008: |
At the AGM on the 26th Feb this year it was decided to change the times of our Tuesday meetings to start and finish 15 minutes earlier, to enable people who come by train to stay for all the dancing and still catch their trains. Initially this change is just until the Summer break, to see how it works out in practice. Could we therefore ask everyone to make an effort to be at the Community Centre
in time to start at the new times: 7.45 for the regular dancing and 7.15 for step practice.
16.12.2007: |
The dates for the first 3 months of 2008 are now on the Meetings page.
Note that the AGM will be on February 26th.
02.12.2007: |
A list of the dances taught by Atsuko at the November weekend in Geroldswil is now available. Check the November 2007 page.
You'll also find a couple of links to pages of photos from the weekend. If anyone else has any photos, just let me know!
26.08.2007: |
The dates of dancing evenings up until Christmas are now on the meetings page.
Note: we will be dancing on the 20th November, and not on the 27th, to allow for an extra practice of the Ball dances.
Please keep checking these pages for possible alterations.
31.07.2007: |
Pictures of the Scottish dancing at the "ZueriFaescht" are now available on the gallery pages. Just click on the piper.
I've also made a few minor adjustments to the layout. The links in the navigation-bar at the left are now always active, for example. |
09.07.2007: |
Finally, the online application form for the November course and ball is on the website.
The MiniCrib descriptions of the ball dances are now also available for download!
07.07.2007: |
Finally, the online application form for the November course and ball is on the website.
Never before have there been so many ways to apply for a weekend dance course!
Go on - spoil yourself! You know you want to! Just click on the November 2007 link on the left. |
27.06.2007: |
At last! I've finally got all the information about the November weekend and Ball on the web!
Click on the November 2007 link on the left to find all about it. Application forms and information leaflets can all be downloaded, and within the next couple of days I plan to have the on-line application form working as well. It's never been easier to apply for a weekend course! So what are you waiting for? Places are limited, so don't delay!
Also updated is the events page with details of the Zürifäscht, which we're taking part in with a team of a dozen dancers plus a fiddler and a piper. Don't miss it! |
05.05.2007: |
Updated the Meetings page with the dates up to the Summer break.
As Fiona is still recovering from her eye operation, and isn't yet sure how soon she'll be back at the dancing, I've left the teaching rota blank for the time being. |
01.04.2007: |
Updated the committee page to reflect the 2007 committee. (I know we've still got an old picture at the top, but I'll correct that as soon as possible!)
Also added the dancing dates for April. The remaining dates up to the Summer break will be added in the next week or so.
I've made a few additions to the other pages as well: the links page now has a link to the International Branch website, for example.
There's also a new page which contains a list of all the updates that have been made since the new website went online at the beginning of 2007. |
11.01.2007: |
Corrected a few errors that have been pointed out (I didn't really expect to get it all right first time!). Also edited the meetings page to include the dates up to the AGM on the 27th March.
Members will receive a letter about the AGM in due course). |
03.01.2007: |
If you've been here before, you'll notice that we've made some changes to the website. Visually, we've kept the same basic elements and colours, but I hope it is now a bit clearer and cleaner. There's the decorative banner at the top of each page, but also a description of each menu-point, to improve navigation.
The main change, however, is that the pages have been completely rewritten using the web programming language, PHP. This makes it much easier to maintain and extend.
Any comments, criticisms or suggestions are welcome. Use the form on the contact page, or send an email to the webmaster.