Introducing the committee:
The president of the ZSCDC, Chris Harris, is responsible for the running of the club. He presides over our meetings and liaises with other clubs and organisations as well as
organising the teaching rota, arranging dance programmes and looking after the music equipment. He is also responsible for the creation and maintenance of this website. |
Stephen O'Neil is the vice-president. He is Chris's back-up, as well as helping with the general running of the club and providing valuable input at the committee meetings.
Our secretary, Joanna Brown, deals with all the paperwork: Minutes of meetings, Correspondence with members and with other clubs and organisations.
Glenys Lynn, the treasurer, deals with the financial side of things: collecting the members' subscriptions, paying the rental on the hall, etc. (She'll also accept donations to the club, if you're feeling generous!)
We also have one Ordinary Member, Olga Ivanova, who takes part in the meetings and generally helps with committee matters.