Welcome to the Zurich Scottish Country Dancing Club

If you need more information than can be found here, please don't hesitate to contact us, either by filling in the form on the contact page, or by e-mail to one of the committee. Just click on the name on the committee page.

The latest news is to be found below. If you would like to be added to the list of people who also receive this information by e-mail - or if you wish to be removed from the list - please contact the secretary. Members of the ZSCDC are automatically included on this list, unless thay have specifically asked to have themselves removed.

Latest news:

08.03.2025: After the successful beginners' evening on Feb 25th, one of the first-timers, Stephan Stirnimann, wrote an article for the newsletter of the British Shop. It's a nice article – apart from getting my surname as 'Harper' (his editor's fault, apparently). He took a photo of the 4 teachers, but then forgot to get their permission to publish it, so the accompanying photo is a stock picture of some highland dancers.
You can read the article here: https://blog.the-british-shop.ch/page/view/2025/03/scottish-dance-mit-dem-kilt-ueber-die-tanzflaeche-schweben

Note that the club's AGM will take place on March 25th from 19:30. All are welcome, but only fully paid up members are entitled to vote. After the meeting we will do such dances as time allows.
Please contact the secretary if you do not plan to attend.